Theres a Christian Way for Believers to Pray

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TOPIC:There's a Christian Way for Believers to Pray

                  by Rev. Dr. Reg Dunlap


TEXT:Philippians 4:6


“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with

thanksgiving, let your requests be made know unto God.”


I am fully persuaded of two important truths regarding prayer. They are: Prayer is the greatest power in the universe. Prayer is the greatest need in the life of the believer. As someone has written:


“There's a holy high vocation

Needing workers everywhere;

It's the highest form of service

It's the ministry of prayer.”


The tragic thing is that there are multitudes of believers who have not really grown in this ministry. How to make it a real part of everyday living.


These messages are being given with the desire to help believers know what prayer is, how to do it, and how to make it an integral part of one's daily life. So let's begin together to build a bridge of prayer in the Christian way.




To begin with, let's look at what I want to call the PATH of prayer. In order to pray the Christian way we must first of all know something of the background of prayer itself.


Prayer is the most natural and instinctive exercise of every person on this planet. Untold millions of people pray throughout the world. It is a universal habit. I grant you, many of these people may not pray to the God of the Bible through Jesus Christ His Son, but the fact remains that people of all ages pray. Prayer becomes intensified in times of trouble, and given an emergency serious enough, I do not know a person on the face of the earth who would not bow their knees in prayer.


We find in the Bible that people prayed to God from the earliest days of Enoch. We read in Genesis 4:26 these words: “Then began men to call upon the name of the Lord.” It is extremely interesting to notice that in the lives of the patriarchs prayer took the form of a DIALOGUE. It was a two way conversation between them and God. They talked to each other. We read these words about prayer in the life of Abraham: . . .

The above excerpt is only the beginning of this sermon.

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