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Featured Book

Revelation and the End of the World
In this 258 page commentary on Revelation, Reg Dunlap explains in layman's language what the book is all about. After having studied Revelation seriously for a number of years, the author sets forth what he believes this book teaches will take place in the future. Through thorough research and comprehensive outlining, the book has been homiletically arranged, scholarly presented . . . More
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SermonSeeker.Com is an online sermon resource sponsored by Dr. Reg Dunlap's RFD International Ministries for Pastors and Christian workers in the preparation of dynamic, expository messages. We currently have 687 sermons online, with more being added monthly. You can preview sermons for free, and the complete text is available for immediate download. Prices are $15.00 for 5 or $69.95 for 52 through the expository preaching program. Free samples are also available.
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Dr. Dunlap is one of the most popular contributors of sermons on the Internet. For the many busy Pastors who desire excellent expositional, analytical, alliterated, word for word sermons, an Expository Preaching Program subscription is for you. These Biblically-based sermons will greatly enhance your preaching and teaching ministry. Please be sure to check out the free samples.
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Dr. Kota Kumar
Andhra Pradesh State, India