Pauls Passionate Longing


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Living Among the Giants


TOPIC:Paul's Passionate Longing

 by Rev. Dr. Reg Dunlap


TEXT:II Corinthians 5:1-8


“Meanwhile we groan, longing to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling”

(II Corinthians 5:2, NIV)


In a conversation that I had recently with an individual he made the statement, “I long for the good old days.” There seems to be a present and prevalent feeling that America has lost its way and needs to return to the traditional values and principals upon which it was founded. This, I believe, is what Robert Bird, Democratic Senator from the State of West Virginia, was driving at when he warned his colleagues a short time ago: “Much of America has lost its moorings. Norms no longer exist. We have lost our way with a speed that is awesome. What took thousands of years to build is being dismantled in a generation.” He goes on to state: “We live in an era in which tolerance has progressed beyond a mere call for acceptance and crossed over to become a demand for the rest of us to give up beliefs we revere and hold dear.” And that is precisely what has been happening in our country for a number of years. Is it any wonder that people are longing for the old days?


But not the Apostle Paul! As we study the chapter before us we come to realize that this first century Christian was longing not for the old but for the new. Listen to the words of verse 2: "Longing to be clothed." The King James Version has it: “We groan earnestly, desiring to be clothed.” The NTL puts it: “we long for the day.”  The newness which comes when we permit Jesus Christ to become the Master of our lives, the centerpiece of our existence, the ruling force behind all of our actions and affections? Do you long for that? Paul did! Let me show you what I mean.




Let us consider, first of all, Paul's passionate longing for each one of us is to have a new RELATIONSHIP to Christ. Being in a meaningful relationship with . . .

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