The Man Who Traveled With the Wrong Crowd


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TOPIC:The Man Who Traveled With the Wrong Crowd

                  by Rev. Dr. Reg Dunlap


TEXT:St. Luke 22:54-62


And when they had kindled a fire in the midst of the court, and were seated together, Peter sat down among them” (St. Luke 22:55).


There's an old saying that needs to be brought to our attention today. It is this: “A man is known by the company he keeps.” Let me put it in my own words: You become like those that you associate with. This is what we call the law of association. In other words, if you hang around with the wrong crowd, you will end up becoming like that crowd. That truth has been demonstrated more times than I can remember in the years of my ministry both in the lives of believers and unbelievers alike. You are known by the company you keep. If you don't believe me, ask this big fisherman, Simon Peter. He is a living example of what I am talking about.


In traveling with the wrong crowd, instead of staying close to the Master's side, Peter placed himself in an atmosphere that was dangerous to his Christian faith and testimony. His foes now became his friends. Instead of influencing them, they ended up influencing him. That was the tragic mistake that Peter made when he left the closeness of the Master's side and companionship of the Master's presence. And I ask: Is not Peter a representative of many of us who have left the nearness of the Savior's presence? I say to each one of you, be careful with the crowd you select to travel with. Choose your friends discretely and wisely. If you don't you will end up like Peter traveling with the devil's crowd.


Let me now turn your attention to this aspect of Peter's life and find some lesson in it that will be helpful and useful to each one of us.




First of all, as we consider these words regarding Peter, we have what I want to call SPIRITUAL DRIFTING. Listen again to Luke's words in verse 55: “Peter sat down among them.” Or give ear to the words of John in chapter 18 verse 18: “And Peter stood with them, and warmed himself.” Notice the progression: Peter “stood with them” and then “sat down among them,” and finally, “warmed himself among them.” Spiritual drifting always happens in stages.

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