From What We Are To What We May Be

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TOPIC:“”From What We Are To What We May Be

  by Rev. Dr. Reg Dunlap


TEXT:John 1:40-42


Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas” (John 1:42)


In the verses before us we find two disciples, John and Andrew, having given their allegiance to Jesus now begin to share with others their new found joy. Simon, Andrew's brother, responded silently, but willingly to Andrew's testimony. We read in verses 41 and 42 these words: “He first findeth his own brother Simon…and he brought him to Jesus.”


Now Jesus knew all about Simon Peter. With His insight Jesus knew who he was and what he was. He knew his name, his nature and his need. As a matter of fact, Jesus knows who we are and what we have done. And He knew Simon by natural temperament was impetuous, rash, unstable, presumptuous, and that he had a nasty disposition.


But this same Christ who knew what this rough fisherman was, also knew what he could become. Notice the words in verse 42: “When Jesus beheld him, He said, Thou art…Thou shalt be.” The actual - “Thou art.” The potential - “Thou shalt be.” In those words we find the PRESENT - “Thou art,” and the PROMISE - “Thou shalt be,” and between them stands the PERSON - “Jesus.” He is the One who will make the promise POSSIBLE. He is the Bridge over which we pass from what we are to what we can be.


Let's discover some transforming truths from these words of our Lord about the man called “Simon Peter.”




We discover, first of all, in looking at Peter's life, the WORTHINESS of the most FALLEN. Let me repeat the words in verse 41: “Thou art Simon.” Simon was Peter's natural name while the name given to him by Jesus was “Cephas.” The name “Cephas” means “rock” in Aramaic which is translated “Peter” in Greek.

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