The Giving of What Has Been Given

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TOPIC:"The Giving of What Has Been Given"

                  by Rev. Dr. Reg Dunlap


TEXT:Acts 3:1-11


"But what I have I give you" (3:6, NIV)


One of the most remarkable things of the New Testament are the lessons we learn from the miracles that were performed both by Christ and those early Apostles. There was a reason behind every one of these recorded miracles. Take the first Apostolic miracle before us in the healing of the crippled beggar at the Beautiful Gate of the Temple. He was carried there every day by friends so that he could beg for money from those entering the Temple.


On this particular day Peter and John made their way to the Temple to take part in the daily afternoon prayer meeting. As they approached the Temple they saw this lame man who asked them for some money. The men paused and Peter said to him "Look at us!" (v. 3). Then Peter sympathetically said in verse 6: "Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk."


Peter now offers this lame man something more valuable than silver and gold. Stretching forth his right hand to lift him up and speaking in the name of Jesus, divine, healing energy flowed to the ankles of this crippled beggar. Marvel of marvels, this man with new found strength in his ankles and feet leaps up walking and praising God. He is now perfectly whole.


Because of the extensive details with which the Apostle Luke records this miracle, taking up almost one-third of the chapter, I want us to glean some spiritual truths as found in the words of Peter in verse 6: "what I have I give you." So the topic, The Giving of What Has Been Given.




Consider, to begin with, the PRINCIPLE of Christian living as found in these words of Peter. Here it is in four words as set forth in verse 6: "I have" and "I give." There you have the essence of Christian discipleship - having and sharing.


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