The God Who Needs Your Help

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TOPIC:The God Who Needs Your Help

                  by Rev. Dr. Reg Dunlap


TEXT:Mark 11:1-10


“And if anyone says to you, `Why are you doing this?' say `The Lord

has need of it,' and immediately He will send it here” (11;3, NKJV).


It seems almost incredible that the God who created the universe and controls all things needs help in the carrying out of His plans and in the completion of His purposes. The incident before us in our text regarding the Lord's desire to borrow a donkey for His triumphal entry into Jerusalem is a case in point of the needs of our Master. There is Jesus, God in human flesh, asking for man's help. Hear again the words of Mark: “The Lord has need of it.”


Let us now look a little closer at this portion of Scripture as we come to grips with the fact that God is in need of our help.




There must be, first of all, this truth: RECOGNIZE that God needs our help in the fulfillment of some of His plans. Think again on these words: “The Lord has need” (v.3). Here we enter into mystery. We have the God of this universe asking man for the use of a colt for His procession into Jerusalem.


Though it is true that God can accomplish His purposes without us, the amazing thing for us to realize as we study the life of our Lord is the fact that on many occasions He chose to use different people in the carrying out of His plans. Let me show you what I mean. In John chapter 4 Jesus asked the Samaritan woman for a drink of water. Though He could have provided it for Himself, He made Himself dependent upon her. In John chapter 6 five thousand tired and hungry men, besides women and children, needed to be fed. Jesus could have provided the food totally on His own. But He didn't! He made Himself dependent on a little boy who gave Him five barley loaves and a couple of fish and Jesus fed the multitude. In Luke chapter 5 Jesus borrowed a boat from Simon Peter so He could teach the crowds from the boat. Though He could have provided a pulpit for Himself, He made Himself dependent upon Peter in order to accomplish His purpose.

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