Unshakable Truths In Shakable Times

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TOPIC:"Unshakable Truths In Shakable Times"

                  by Rev. Dr. Reg Dunlap


TEXT:Hebrews 12:25-29


"the removing of those things that are shaken...That those things which cannot be

shaken may remain" (Hebrews 12:27)


We have here in this portion of Hebrews the warning, given to those who refuse to accept God's Son, Jesus Christ, and heed His voice as He speaks to them through the Gospel. If this is repeatedly done, the promise of judgment is given in which this earth will be shaken. In that final shaking the perishable things will vanish and the permanent things will remain. The temporal will end, the eternal will last. Much will be removed, but that which is part of God's eternal Kingdom will remain.


When everything is falling apart, not lasting, it is good to know that God is still on His throne, in control, and fulfilling His purposes. Though that which is earthly, perishable, and transitory, such as material things will not last forever, in contrast the things that really matter, that have character, will abide on into eternity. Let us now look at what is being shaken and what cannot be shakable during these days in which we live.




Consider, to begin with, those THINGS that are being shaken right before our eyes. Notice the words in verse 27: "Those things that are shaken." Now let's leave the text for a few moments and permit me to list a few of those shakable things that are happening in the world in which we live.


HOME Life is being shaken. Loose morals and easy divorce are characteristic of the times. You can now get a divorce over the Internet for as little as forty dollars, and if the proper legal paperwork is available the entire process can be finished in about thirty minutes. With no-fault divorce marriages now can be dissolved without litigation. Imagine, the divorce rate has risen 700 percent in this country and continues to rise. One divorce for every 1.8 marriages. One divorce in every fifty-nine seconds.


In this nuclear age many children are growing up without a father being present in the home. As a matter of fact, one-parent families are on the increase about twenty times faster than two-parent families. All of this is making a terrible and tragic impact on the home in this country. The question is: Will the home survive? Ronald Reagan, the 40th President of these United States, was not overstating when he declared: "The family has always been the cornerstone of American society. Our families nurture, preserve and pass on to each succeeding generation the values we share and cherish, values that are the foundation for our freedoms. . . .

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