Witnessing - The Heartbeat of the Christian

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TOPIC:Witnessing - The Heartbeat of the Christian

                   by Rev. Dr. Reg Dunlap


TEXT:II Timothy 4:5


“do the work of an evangelist”


Samuel M. Shoemaker in his book The Conversion of the Church, wrote: “I believe that the primary work of the church is the re-making of the inner lives of individuals, through the power, of the living Christ.” He was right!


But it seems that the church has permitted this primary work to take a back seat. It has been put on the back burner. The witnessing of today is a long way from matching that which characterized the early apostolic church. God alone knows how many believers have no real concern for the spiritual welfare of lost men. The church seems to have lost its witnessing voice. Christians have become silent instead of speaking out for Christ. They have kept still instead of being vocal.


The hour has struck when the redeemed of God must be awakened and aroused to their individual responsibility of Christian witnessing. It's time for hosts of believers, in all walks of life, to speak out for their Lord and Savior. We must begin to snatch up every available opportunity to share the message of God's redeeming grace.


This is what the Apostle Paul is writing about in the text. It is his farewell charge, his final command to young Timothy. In his closing instruction to this young man of God, ever realizing as he states in verse 1 “the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the living and the dead, at his appearing” Paul encourages Timothy in verse 5 to “do the work of an evangelist.” The idea of sinners being lost at the Great White Throne and saints being judged at the Judgment Seat of Christ cannot escape Paul's thoughts as he comes to the end of his life. He pleads with Timothy to get on with his Christian work and witness. Let us do the same!




Consider, first of all, the clarity of our task. Question: What is the work of the Christian? Paul cries out in verse 5: “do the work of an evangelist.” Williams translates these words to read “do your work as a herald of the good news.” The Living Bible renders it: “Bring others to Christ.”

The word “gospel” comes from the Greek word “euangelion” which means good news or glad tidings. Now an effective way to spread the good news of salvation is on a personal level. This is called “personal evangelism.” It is person to person evangelism. Personal evangelism is telling the good news of the Gospel to the unsaved with the definite aim of bringing . . .

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