Antichrist-the Devils Dictator

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TOPIC:Antichrist - The Devil's Dictator

                     By Rev. Dr. Reg Dunlap


TEXT:II Thessalonians 2:1-15


“And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and destroy with the brightness of his coming” (II Thessalonians 2:8)


Not long ago a religious survey revealed that a majority of our population believes that an unknown person exercising absolute power will eventually appear on the world scene and take control of the governments of the world. Such a belief is in mutual agreement with what the Bible teaches. There is no doubt that the stage is being set for the coming of this world dictator. The career of a personal Antichrist is clearly set forth upon the pages of the Word of God.




Consider, to begin with, the APPEARANCE of Antichrist. One of the most remarkable facts which one confronts in his study of Antichrist is the way he resembles Christ. Though they are different, there is a certain likeness between them. They both make a personal appearance. They both perform miracles and do it in the power of another. The Apostle Paul wrote to Titus, “Looking for the glorious appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13) and to the Thessalonians these words: “And then shall that wicked one be revealed” (II Thessalonians 2:8). Paul was convinced that a personal individual, the embodiment of all evil, will appear on the scene during the last days of this age.


Consider, first of all, the TIME of Antichrist's appearance. Down through the centuries unwise and futile attempts have been made to identify this representative of Satan. Different suggestions have been set forth. The early Christians believed he was Nero, the Roman emperor. Many reformers thought he was the Pope, others thought he was Judas, the Roman Church, Napoleon, Charlemagne, and even men of this century like Hitler or Mussolini. I have even heard some people suggest that Henry Kissinger is Antichrist.


But any attempt to identify with accuracy the Antichrist will fail. It is folly for us to indulge in such a game as this. Such speculation will always end in failure. It is both unwise and useless to try and identify any present world figure as Antichrist. The Apostle Paul in his writings makes it clear that we shall not know . . .

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