For Those Who Are Fed-Up With Life

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TOPIC:For Those Who Are Fed-Up With Life

                 by Rev. Dr. Dunlap


TEXT:II Timothy 1:1-12


“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (1:7)


As we come to this portion of Scripture we find that young Timothy had become somewhat intimated and threatened by those who opposed his preaching about the despised, crucified and risen Jesus. In view of what God has given us as believers as found in verse 7, Paul tells Timothy that fear and cowardliness should have no place in the life of a Christian. And what Paul stated regarding Timothy should be true of each one of us.


In view of what God has given believers by means of the Holy Spirit - not a spirit of timidity, but a Spirit of power, and of love, and of self-control - then if there has come a droop in our discipleship, if we have become discouraged, disgusted, or even pessimistic, then we must do what Paul says Timothy is to do in verse 6: “That thou store up the gift of God, which is in thee.” The NIV has it: “fan into flame the gift of God,” while Phillips renders it: “Make the fire live again.” In other words, make it blaze again.


Now when I use the words “Fed-up,” I am describing the emotional feelings of people who have been hit hard by a series of blows or one severe blow that causes them to say, “I can't take it anymore,” “I'm fed-up with life,” “I've had enough.” Such feelings may come about because of an annoying physical illness, an irritating co-worker, an unsuccessful marriage, or perhaps some relationship or policy within the church that has been eating away at your sweet disposition.


Whatever it is, you feel you have reached the place where you are fed-up. You can't take it any longer. If that happens to be your present situation, this message is for you.




Consider, to begin with, if you find you are fed-up with life - REFLECT on the CAUSE. This is what Paul is doing in affect with Timothy both in verses 6 and 8: “that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in . . .

The above excerpt is only the beginning of this sermon.

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