The Greatest Verse In the Bible

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Great Things for Grievous Times


TOPIC:The Greatest Verse In the Bible

                  by Rev. Dr. Reg Dunlap


TEXT:John 3:16


“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that

whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”


The Bible verse John 3:16 has been called “the Gospel in a nutshell.” It is the greatest verse in the Bible. It is the golden text of the Word of God. It is known by more people than any other verse in the entire Bible.


Such love as portrayed in this verse goes beyond the comprehension of man's mind. It defies our understanding for it tells of a God who loves people even though they don't love Him. This is why one of the great pulpit voices of the past, William B. Riley, wrote: “In thirty years of pastorate in one church I have dared this text but once. This neglect is not from lack of appreciation, but, on the contrary, from a conviction that its understanding and interpretation are beyond me.” Or as D. L. Moody, the great evangelist of past years, when speaking on this text declared: “My message is on fire tonight, and I wish it might be burned into every heart.”


I wish each one of you will look with penetrating eyes into this verse for fresh truth and greater insight into God's amazing love.




Consider, to begin with the EMBRACE of God's love. We read in this verse these words: “For God so loved the world.” That's us!


Think of this amazing truth. This whirling planet which swings in its orbit and turns on its axis is composed of a class of people that God loves. The word “world” takes in all of mankind. What a startling truth - the worldwide love of God - this must have been to a Jew like Nicodemus whose mind only traveled in Hebrew patterns. What a shocking statement this must have been to those Pharisees with their narrow exclusive view of God and His Kingdom.


I am a great supporter of Israel. I believe the covenant that God made with Abraham will one day literally be fulfilled. But in saying that I want us also to realize that God loves the Arabs. God's love is worldwide. It includes everybody.


The universal love of God . . .

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