Andrew's Faithful Witnessing

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Living Among the Giants


TOPIC:Andrew's Faithful Witnessing

  by Rev. Dr. Reg Dunlap


“And he brought him to Jesus” (John 1:42)


When we take a close look at this man Andrew, the first disciple that Jesus called, known as “the Introducer,” as he was always introducing people to the Master, we can characterize him this way: unspectacular, unnoticed and unrecognized. Andrew belonged to the company of the ordinary and overshadowed. He was a behind the scenes man, who when he did get into the spotlight, it wasn't long before he slipped back into obscurity.


When we examine the Biblical record of Andrew we find that he never WROTE a book like Matthew. He never EVANGELIZED a whole city like Philip. He never PREACHED like Paul. He never became an ORATOR like Apollos. He never became an EVANGELIST like Peter. And yet, in his own way he was the greatest of them all. For Andrew has literally become the means of reaching millions of people with the Gospel of Christ. The words of our text - “And he brought him to Jesus” - so impressed Billy Graham that he made Operation Andrew an integral part of international ministry in which thousands have come to Christ.


In this message I want us to take a close look at four separate portions of Scripture in which this man Andrew was present, and because of it, lives were brought into the Kingdom of God.




To begin with, consider Andrew's fruitful witnessing to PETER his BROTHER. Recall the words of verse 41: “He first found his own brother Simon, and said unto him, We have found the Messiah (which is being interpreted the Christ)” (John 1:41). Now notice again those thrilling words of our text: “And he brought him to Jesus” (v. 42).


Andrew not only committed himself to Christ, but almost immediately he sought to bring his own family to Christ. In verse 41 three important aspects of Andrew's witnessing are clearly set forth. The PLACE - He started to witness right at home which is always most difficult. And yet, our personal responsibility begins in our own family circle. F. B. Meyer, great Bible teacher of past years, in his commentary asked this question: “Have we all used our home ties enough for the winning of souls to our Lord?” That's a question each one of us must honestly answer for ourselves.


The PRODUCT - He brought his own brother, Simon Peter to Christ. Notice the words of verse 41: “He first found his own brother, Simon.” . . .

The above excerpt is only the beginning of this sermon.

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