Peters Precious Pearls

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Living Among the Giants


TOPIC:Peter's Precious Pearls

         by Rev. Dr. Reg Dunlap


TEXT:I Peter 1:19


“But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb

without blemish and without spot.”


The American College Dictionary uses these words to define precious: “of great price or value, valuable, costly, very dear, highly esteemed, and expensive.” These are words that describe people and things that are precious to us. But how much more can this be said of spiritual things.


Peter loved to make use of this word. He writes in his letters of precious TRIALS, precious CORNERSTONE, precious SAVIOR, precious PROMISES, precious FAITH, and precious BLOOD. Here we have Peter's precious pearls. I suggest for the next few moments we examine each one of these precious gems as set forth in his writings.




Let me bring forward the first pearl that is precious to Peter: PRECIOUS TRIALS. Notice his words in I Peter chapter 1 verse 7: “That the trial of your faith being much more precious than gold that perishes.” Who ever thought that trials can be precious?


I ask you: In what way can trials be valuable? The Apostle Peter answers this by the use of an analogy. Although gold is among the most precious of metals on this earth, it still can be mixed with impurities which lower its value and spoil its beauty. It needs to be refined and purified by the use of intense heat.


In the same manner, our faith needs to be refined, put to the test so that it will prove its genuineness. God permits all kinds of trials to come our way in order to strengthen our faith in Him. Just as gold is refined by fire, so our faith is purified by trials. The triumphant proving of faith through trials will enable us to receive praise, glory and honor at the second coming of Jesus Christ. It is then that God will put His stamp of approval on our tested faith. That's why James writes: “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials” (James 1:2). I like the way J. B. Phillips renders it: “Don't resent them as intruders, but welcome them as friends.”


Can't you imagine what our faith would be like if life was just a smooth ride. I tell you, my dear friend, PROBLEMS bring PROGRESS and PAIN brings . . .

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