Paul-The Graceful Encourager

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Preaching through Philippians


TOPIC:Paul - The Graceful Encourager

                  by Rev. Dr. Reg Dunlap


TEXT:Philippians 2:12-18


“Wherefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence

only but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with

fear and trembling” (2:12)


We continue now to this portion of Philippians where Paul sets forth the delightful privilege of those of us who are believers in Christ. And that privilege is to stand in the place of Christ and speak on behalf of Christ. To be given the privilege of communicating to lost men everywhere the absolute necessity of being born twice. To become the tongue, the voice, the very mouthpiece of God, announcing the good news “that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself.”


To be the Lord's representative, the King's minister, was excitingly thrilling to Paul. It kindled a light of joy in his eye. Listen to him cry in the words of verse 16: “Holding forth the word of life, that I may rejoice in the day of Christ.” Now from these verses before us Paul has something encouraging to say to these Philippians. Let me in this message show you what it is.




To begin with, Paul sets forth some PRACTICAL ADVICE which must be ACCEPTED. From the Phillips translation of verse 12 Paul writes: “So then my dearest friends, as you had always followed my advice.” It is good to note the term of affection as found in the Authorized Version which Paul uses to describe these comrades of his at Philippi. “Wherefore, my beloved.” The Holy Spirit had given Paul a heavenly love for these Philippians. Here is the advice he gives them.


There is something to WORK OUT - their SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT: “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” (v. 12). The words “work out” set forth the idea to carry out to perfection or to its ultimate conclusion. Now what was it that these Philippian Christians were to work out to perfection? In this case it was their salvation.


It is not difficult to understand what St. Paul had in mind at this point when we begin to realize that according to him salvation from start to finish is all of God. He planned it. He provided for it. He will perfect it. Paul would have the Philippians bring to a . . .

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