The Sounding of the Trumpets

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TOPIC:The Sounding of the Trumpets

                 by Rev. Dr. Reg Dunlap


TEXT:Revelation 8:1-13


“And the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.

The first angel sounded” (8:6, 7).


In the chapter before us the gathering storm of God's wrath is seen with the opening of the seventh and final seal. The scroll has been completely unrolled, the seals have been opened, the seven trumpet judgments are about ready to be unleased upon a wicked world. Remember in my last message we saw how these judgments were halted until the 144,000 Jews were sealed by God.


The trumpet judgments continue through chapter 11 verse 19 with the second parenthesis coming in chapter 10:1 through chapter 11:14. I shall deal with this in future messages. In this message we shall look at the first four trumpet judgments that are poured forth on the physical resources on this earth.




To begin with, consider the DRAMATIC SILENCE. We read about it in verse 1: “And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.”


The word “silence” really means a “profound stillness.” For a brief period of time in Heaven there will be perfect silence, a sacred stillness, a speechless period of time before something ominous is about to happen. One translator puts it: “Silence reigned in Heaven for about half-an-hour.” God seems to hold up His hand for silence so that the prayers of the martyred Tribulation saints could be heard as stated in verse 3. There is a breathless pause, the praises of the heavenly host are hushed, no voices are heard as the drama intensifies as another series of judgments are about to fall upon the wicked. God is about ready to answer the prayers of the suffering saints. This is all part of the world's punishment and future destruction.




But let us go on to my second thought. Think of the DISTURBING SUSPENSE. John writes: “And I saw the seven angels who stood before God, and to them were given seven trumpets…And the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound” (8:26).


John in his vision beholds seven angels who are given seven trumpets to blow and blast forth the coming terrible judgments of God which are to fall on various parts of the . . .

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