When a Preacher Praises a Congregation

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Preaching Through Colossians

“Abundant Christian Living”


TOPIC:When a Preacher Praises a Congregation

                  by Rev. Dr. Reg Dunlap


TEXT:Colossians 1:3-8


“We give thanks to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ…Since we heard

of your faith in Christ Jesus, and of the love which you have to all the saints; For

the hope which is laid up for you in Heaven” (1:3, 4, 5).


From the tactfulness of Paul's approach for these Colossian believers we turn now to the thankfulness of his heart for them. As was his habit in all of the Epistles that he wrote, Paul goes directly from his salutation into his thanksgiving. Gratitude always follows greeting. There is joy in the heart of Paul over what he has learned from Epaphras about the Colossian believers and their new life in Christ. Like Paul so often, he COMPLIMENTS them before he CRITICIZES them. It would do all believers well to take a lesson from Paul at this point.


But wait! Before examining the reasons for Paul's gratitude, attention should be given to this man Epaphras who is called by F. F. Bruce “the evangelist of the Lycus Valley.” Paul describes him in verse 7 as a “fellow servant” and as a “faithful minister of Christ.” Elsewhere in this Epistle Paul writes of him as a “servant of Christ” (4:12), while in writing to Philemon Paul describes him as “my fellow-prisoner in Christ Jesus” (Philemon 23). It seems reasonable to conclude from what Paul writes about Epaphras that he was a prisoner with Paul perhaps in Ephesus at some earlier time. I do not believe that Epaphras is the Epaphroditus of Philippians 2:25 and 4:18. They are two different individuals.


Whatever the case, Epaphras gave Paul much help as he shared with him first-hand about the situation which existed at the Colossian church. He had some good news and some bad news to give Paul. As such Epaphras was not a gossiper. Far from it! He was not only FROM the church at Colossae, he was FOR it. Realizing this to be true, Paul not only listened to what he had to say he commended Epaphras as a servant of Christ and worthy of confidence and acceptance. Let us think now of Paul's reason for thanksgiving to God for these Colossian believers. His praises for them were threefold.




For one thing, Paul praises them for their . . .

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