When the Home Becomes a Heavenly Sanctuary

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Preaching Through Colossians

“Abundant Christian Living”

TOPIC:When the Home Becomes a Heavenly Sanctuary

                 by Rev. Dr. Reg Dunlap


TEXT:Colossians 3:18-25


“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.

Knowing that of the Lord you shall receive the reward of the inheritance;

for you serve the Lord Christ” (3:23, 24).


So far in this chapter the Apostle Paul has introduced us to some very important practical truths. We must “PUT OFF” the vices in verses 5 through 9. We must “PUT ON” the virtues in verses 10 through 14. We must “LET IN” the peace of Christ and Word of Christ in verses 15 and 16. And now we must “LIVE OUT” those truths in verses 18 through 25.


Paul now inserts in this chapter a section in which believers are encouraged to exhibit those Christlike virtues already discussed by him in their relationships with others. He sets forth in the verses before us the duties of husbands, wives, and children. I cannot be certain why Paul introduced here a special section on the Christian home, realizing that a parallel passage much more instructive in detail is given in Ephesians, but it seems that his purpose is based on the fact that he recognized the importance of the Christian home in this world, and he wanted to clearly set forth before his readers what he considered to be an ideal Christ-centered home.


So in the verses before us Paul pleads for every member of the home to discharge their God-given responsibility to each other. Let us now look at the advice Paul lovingly gives to those of us who are in Christ as we “live out” this new life before others.




Consider, first of all, Paul has a word to WIVES - SUBMIT. He writes in verse 18 these words: “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.” Give ear to the way the NLT renders this verse: “You wives must submit to your husbands, as is fitting for those who belong to the Lord.”


The word “submit” has been a battlefield for many women's rights groups who believe in equality for all women. There are those who falsely teach . . .

The above excerpt is only the beginning of this sermon.

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