d-Thyatira - the Lenient Church

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TOPIC:Thyatira - The Lenient Church

                  by Rev. Dr. Reg Dunlap


TEXT:Revelation 2:18-29


“Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel,

who calls herself a prophetess. By her teaching she misleads my servants

into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols” (2:20).


Thyatira, the fourth of the seven churches, was a small provincial town of ancient times, located about forty miles southeast of Pergamos on the Roman road to Sardis. William Barclay observes: “The supreme importance of Thyatira was that it was the gateway to Pergamos, the capital of Asia.”


Though it was the least significant of the seven cities, it did have its own distinctive claims of greatness. The principal deity of Thyatira was Apollo, the sun god, who was worshipped by many of its people. The prosperity and profit of Thyatira came from its manufacture of purple dye and its numerous trade guilds such as potters, tanners, weavers, robemakers and dyers. It is also important to note that Lydia, the seller of purple fabrics, came from Thyatira. She no doubt was responsible in bringing the Gospel of Christ to this city. Thyatira no longer exists today, but the modern city of Ackisar is located on the site where this ancient city once rested.


It is worthy of attention that the longest letter is sent to the smallest congregation, the most severe letter is sent to the most active of the seven churches. Let the Holy Spirit be our Guide as we think of what the risen Christ has to say about this church.




First of all, let's begin by looking at the ADORING TITLE of Christ. We read in verse 18: “These are the words of the Son of God.” The expression “Son of God” which Christ uses to introduce Himself to this church sets forth His eternal pre-existence. It was the title given to Him at birth: “that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God” (Luke 1:35). As the “Son of Man” as seen by John in the opening vision (1:13) we have God with man, but as the “Son of God” as stated here we have God above man.


The Apostle John asserts that Christ is not like Apollo, the sun god, nor the emperor Caesar, nor any other god, but He is the true Son of God. This title as given by Christ about Himself is not a physical title, but a spiritual title designating the official, personal and eternal relation of Jesus to God the Father. As such, Christ is . . .

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