Witnessing-The Preservation of the Convert-4

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TOPIC:Witnessing - The Preservation of the Convert

                  by Rev. Dr. Reg Dunlap


TEXT:Acts 1:1-8


“And you shall be witnesses unto me” (Acts 1:8)


This phase of the work in witnessing is vitally imperative. As a matter of fact, it is the most important part of the entire work of witnessing. The new convert must be discipled. The first few months in the life of the new believer often determine the entire course that will be followed in the years to come. Certainly a good beginning under proper supervision and encouragement is the greatest thing that can be given to the new convert. The Bible clearly teaches that if we belong to Christ we are responsible to parent these new born babes with spiritual care. The Apostle Paul wrote: “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints” (Ephesians 6:18).


But how often this important ministry is overlooked and neglected. Of every two persons converted to Christ one drops by the wayside. Not only that, but far too many new-born Christians stay in the nursery and feed only upon the milk instead of the meat of the Word of God. After God has blessed many soul winners with the wonderful privilege of helping to bring someone to Christ, they often have been known to say, “Thank goodness that's over with!” But in reality their work has just begun. The birth is over, but now begins the years of growth.


These new-born Christians must be fed, nourished, protected, instructed, and trained in order to grow up to become spiritual adults. They need to be fed from the Bible so that they will become established believers in the faith. They need to be protected from Satan, their enemy, who desires to trip them up. They need to be trained how to pray and taught how to witness for Christ. You see, my friend, conversion is a gift, but discipleship is a growth, a continuous process throughout life. RELATIONSHIP to Christ depends on BIRTH, but FELLOWSHIP with Christ depends on BEHAVIOR. It is one thing to become a Christian, it is another thing being a Christian. Let each soul winner do their part in helping the new-born believer to become a radiant and vibrant Christian for Jesus Christ.




Let's begin with this: Think of the ESTABLISHMENT of the new convert. Now that the person has received Christ, they must be instantly grounded in their new faith. Let me mention a few things that each soul winner can do in their follow-up work to establish the new convert in the faith.


ASSURANCE must be Given


The new believer must be established . . .

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