Living At Life's Best (Baccalaureate Sermon)

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TOPIC:Living At Life's Best

               by Rev. Dr. Reg Dunlap


Baccalaureate Sermon


I am honored to have been asked to speak at this year's baccalaureate service. Thank you for the opportunity to challenge this year's graduating seniors from _____________ College.


You young men and women stand on the threshold of a new adventure. Your college days are now behind you and you face a new frontier. The Promise Land is before you. I wonder: Are you ready for this exciting experience?


I don't have to remind you graduates that you are living in the most critical period in the history of the world. Never before has the world possessed the means to destroy itself in a matter of minutes such as today. And in shakable times such as these you must hold on to those qualities of life which are unshakable.


The Apostle James asked a question years ago that I want you to think about today. His question was this: “What is your life?” (James 4:14). He gave this answer: “It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away” (James 4:14, NKJV). James was trying to get across to his readers that life is short and death is sure. And because of life's brevity we must not misuse it or abuse it.


Listen to me young people: You have only one life to live. You will only go through your twenties once. If you make a wrong choice, go in the wrong direction, listen to the wrong voice, you may very well miss out on life's best during this period of your life.


As a minister of the Gospel, and having lived ______ ______ years, may I state that your first responsibility as you graduate is not to the making of a LIVING, but the making of a LIFE. A life full of love, trust, meaningfulness, fulfillment and pleasing to God.


So the question arises: What are those elements you can't afford to live without if you desire to live at life's best? Let me mention a few of them.



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The above excerpt is only the beginning of this sermon.

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